How to be Smart (follow 5 ways)


Intelligence isn't just something you're born with; you can make yourself smarter with a little bit of hard work! 

1. Exercising Your Brain-

  • Work on puzzle like sudoku, Rubik's cube. Doing puzzles like these will keep your brain working and increase your mental capabilities. Your brain is a muscle: you have to exercise it!
  • Do Maths. It will help your brain to work hard and will you to think better and faster.

2. Developing Your People Skills
  • Talk with simple meaning. See just how simple and clear you can make your explanations.
  • Learn to listen carefully to others. Ask questions about that point. It will improve your knowledge.

3. Educating Yourself
  • Aim to educate yourself. Try teaching yourself by asking question. 
  • Work on vocabulary.
  • Read new books. New book reading will open up your mind to a variety of new ideas and experiences. Keep your reading diverse by reading books of all genres.

4. Set goals once a week.
 Ask yourself during each goal-setting session, how many of last week's goals did I achieve? Why didn't I accomplish some of my goals and what can I do to give myself a greater chance of success?
  • Constantly work hard to achieve each of your goals. Without goals, you would have nothing to hope for. Reward yourself after accomplishing your goal.
  • Be organized. You don't need to be a total neat freak, but wasting time is not smart. Of course, there are many geniuses who are completely disorganized (think of the absent-minded professor) but if you're making an active effort to be smart, taking a conscious approach to how you spend your time is a big step in the right direction.

5. Be open-minded and willing to learn new things.

Try to learn new languages. Just because you're great at one thing doesn't mean you have to stick to it! Find ways to step out of your comfort zone. This is where the learning happens.

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